Raising Pigs: The Basics And Advantages on the Modern Homestead

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6 pigs that we raised in 2023
The pigs that we raised this year

In recent years, there has been a notable resurgence of interest in homesteading—an age-old way of life experiencing a modern revival. This modern take on traditional living appeals to those seeking self-sufficiency, a deeper connection to the land, and a more sustainable lifestyle. Modern homesteading involves individuals taking control of their food production and well-being, returning to the roots of self-reliance. This includes raising pigs on your homestead.

One of the central features of modern homesteading is the incorporation of livestock and agricultural practices into daily life. Among the many aspects of homesteading, raising pigs stands out as a pivotal element that merits serious consideration. While venturing into pig-raising may initially appear daunting, it brings many benefits to your modern homestead.

This guide will explore the benefits of pig farming for sustainable living on your homestead. Whether you are an experienced homesteader or a beginner, our insights will inspire you to raise pigs on your modern homestead.

Why Have Pigs on Your Modern Homestead?

Regarding modern homesteading, numerous compelling reasons exist to consider raising pigs as an integral part of your sustainable lifestyle. These intelligent and adaptable animals bring many benefits that can enhance your self-sufficiency and connection to the land. Let’s explore four key reasons why pigs are a valuable addition to your modern homestead:

Sustainable Meat Production:

Pigs are known for their exceptional meat production capabilities. Raising pigs on your homestead provides a reliable source of high-quality, homegrown meat. Raising your own pigs gives you control over their diet, living conditions, and well-being, avoiding ethical and environmental concerns of factory-farmed pork. All this translates into healthier, more flavorful pork you can feel good about putting on your table.

Waste Management:

Pigs are natural waste recyclers. Their voracious appetites make them excellent at converting kitchen scraps, leftovers, and other organic materials into valuable resources. By incorporating pigs into your homestead, you’ll reduce food waste significantly. Consequently, what once might have been destined for the landfill can now be transformed into nutrient-rich pork, making your homestead more sustainable and environmentally responsible.

Soil Improvement:

Pigs are skilled at soil improvement through their rooting behavior and contribution to the nutrient cycle. When they are given access to pasture or woodland areas, pigs use their strong snouts to root around in the soil, thereby effectively tilling and aerating it. This natural tilling action helps prepare garden beds, control weeds, and encourage new growth. Pig manure is an excellent organic fertilizer rich in nutrients, enhancing soil fertility and boosting crop yields on your homestead.


One central tenets of modern homesteading is self-sufficiency—the ability to rely on your own resources for food, energy, and more. Raising pigs aligns perfectly with this goal. By producing your own pork, you reduce your reliance on commercial food sources and gain greater control over your food supply. This increased self-sufficiency provides peace of mind and contributes to a more sustainable and resilient lifestyle.

In summary, pigs offer a multifaceted contribution to your modern homestead. They provide a sustainable source of meat, assist in waste management, enhance soil fertility, and support your journey towards self-sufficiency. As we delve deeper into the benefits of having pigs on your homestead, you’ll discover how these intelligent and resourceful animals can help you lead a more sustainable, fulfilling, and connected life on your terms.

Benefits of Having Pigs on Your Homestead

Now that we’ve explored why you should consider raising pigs on your modern homestead, let’s dive deeper into the wide-ranging benefits that these remarkable animals bring to the table:

Quality Meat:

When you raise your own pigs, you have complete control over their diet and living conditions. This level of care and attention translates into higher-quality pork. Your pigs can roam freely, enjoy a natural diet, and live stress-free lives—all contributing to tastier, more tender meat. Say goodbye to concerns about factory-farmed pork filled with antibiotics and additives. With homegrown pigs, you’ll savor the flavors of ethically-raised, top-quality pork on your plate.

Waste Reduction:

Pigs are nature’s recyclers and excel at reducing food waste on your homestead. Feeding organic kitchen scraps and leftovers to pigs instead of throwing them away not only reduces waste but also creates nutrient-rich pork. It’s a valuable resource that would have otherwise ended up in the compost bin or trash. It’s a win-win for your homestead’s sustainability and your wallet.

Soil Enrichment:

Pig manure is a treasure trove of nutrients for your soil. When managed properly, it can significantly enhance soil fertility. Pig waste contains nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, essential elements that promote healthy plant growth. You’re naturally enriching the soil by spreading pig manure on your garden beds or fields. This will translate to better crop yields and more robust, healthier plants, making your homestead more productive and sustainable.

Natural Tilling:

Pigs are born with a knack for soil improvement. Their natural instinct to root and forage means they’re excellent at tilling the soil. Allow pigs access to areas needing cultivation, and they’ll happily put their snouts to work. This natural tilling action prepares the ground for planting and helps control weeds by uprooting them. You’ll spend less time and effort on garden preparation, and your soil will be primed for successful crops.

Educational Value:

Raising pigs on your homestead offers a unique experience for families and children. It’s an opportunity to teach valuable animal husbandry, responsibility, and sustainability lessons. Children can actively participate in feeding and caring for the pigs. This allows them to gain hands-on knowledge about where their food comes from and the importance of ethical treatment of animals. This educational aspect fosters a deeper connection to the homestead and the natural world.

Additional Income:

Pigs can be a profitable venture for those looking to generate extra income on their homestead. You can sell excess pork, piglets, or breeding stock to others interested in pig-raising. This not only offsets the cost of pig-raising but also contributes to the financial sustainability of your homestead. It’s a potential income stream that aligns perfectly with your self-sufficiency goals.

Raising pigs on your homestead can provide a sustainable source of food and improve soil fertility. It also offers educational opportunities and reduces food waste. Discover the many benefits of pig-raising for your modern homestead.


In conclusion, the addition of pigs to your modern homestead offers a multitude of practical advantages that can significantly enhance your journey toward self-sufficiency and sustainability. Let’s recap the key takeaways from our exploration of why pigs are a valuable asset to your homesteading lifestyle:

Sustainable Meat Production: 

Raising your own pigs ensures a source of high-quality, ethically-raised pork that you can be proud to put on your table, free from the concerns associated with factory-farmed meat.

Waste Reduction: 

Pigs are natural waste recyclers, efficiently converting kitchen scraps and leftovers into nutrient-rich pork, reducing food waste and leading to a more sustainable environment.

Soil Enrichment:

Pig manure is a valuable resource that enhances soil fertility, leading to better crop yields and healthier plants, ultimately making your homestead more productive.

Natural Tilling: 

Pigs’ natural rooting behavior simplifies garden preparation and helps control weeds, reducing the effort required for soil cultivation.

Educational Value: 

Raising pigs offers a unique educational experience for families and children, fostering a deeper connection to the homestead and teaching important lessons about animal husbandry and sustainability.

Additional Income: 

For those seeking to generate extra income, selling pork, piglets, or breeding stock can be a profitable venture, aligning perfectly with your self-sufficiency goals.

By adding pigs to your modern homestead, you improve the practicality and sustainability of your lifestyle and enrich your connection to the land and your understanding of self-reliance. It’s a journey filled with numerous benefits that extend beyond the plate, touching upon the core principles of responsible stewardship and conscious living.

As you consider adding pigs to your homesteading journey, we encourage you to explore further resources. You should connect with experienced homesteaders, and dive deeper into the world of pig-raising. Your modern homestead has the potential to flourish with the addition of these remarkable animals, and the rewards are well worth the effort. Embrace the charm and utility of pig-raising, and watch as your homestead thrives in harmony with the principles of self-sufficiency and sustainability.

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